Mariners’ Year-In-Review Potluck

September 8, 2023 6:00 pm  |  Community Hall

303 South Peck Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA

Please join us for our Year-In-Review Potluck on Friday, September 8th starting at 6:00pm in the Community Hall. See photos of last year’s events and meet the new skippers and cabinet too. Please sign-up for a committee and a shift at the Hometown Fair booth. The suggested donation is $10 per person. Lasagna will be served along with your favorite beverages. A-L please bring a side dish or salad to share, M-Z please bring a dessert to share. Also, please pay your yearly dues of $50 per couple. Please RSVP to Susi at Don’t miss this fabulous party and kick-off to a great year!