Adult Discussion Group – The Pilgrims of Connecticut

May 8, 2022 8:30 - 9:45am  |  Assembly Hall

703 South Peck Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA

“The Pilgrims of Connecticut (15 Years After the Mayflower)” will be our topic on Sunday May 8th. Fifteen years after the first wave of English Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, MA (in 1620), other pilgrims landed in the wilderness 100 miles to the west, creating the town of Saybrook, where Jim Duffy’s son, David, and his family lived until recently. The indigenous Indians fought back against this European intrusion, forcing the pilgrims to live inside the walls of a military fort. Subsequently Pilgrims formed a church (Congregational), which Jim attended recently. More of this history will be explained. We begin at 8:30 AM in the Assembly Hall. All ages are welcome. We meet in the Assembly Hall or can be joined  at